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Midterm elections 2022

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  • #46
    Seems your emulation is progressive CEO's make union decisions for the good of their stockholders and conservative CEO makes those same union decision because they are evil..


  • #47
    so now you have developed ventriloquist skills


    • #48
      Are you suggesting that you are the talking head? I'm confused!


      • #49
        it appeared i was making statements that i had no participation in.
        is this the metaverse?


        • #50
          Originally posted by Aussie24 View Post
          It’s quite obvious that neither you or Bob will ever view the country through a neutral lens… please explain how Starbucks, lead by an avoid liberal is wrong to fight unionization, simply because they feel that their culture will be harmed by having unions.. Regan’s legally firing the Flight Controllers for striking has nothing to do with todays labor actions . Try and argue current issues using current counter arguments, not ancient history!
          Do you think that it's happenstance that the country is divided almost precisely in half? It's a result of careful effort of the media, both "right" and "left", in just the right amounts. I recall the expression "United We Stand, Divided We Fall". They've got it down to a science. We're all puppets on their strings, thoroughly manipulated with no real knowledge. Which is why we should stow our emotions that are being so carefully manipulated and provoked and be kind to one another. Here's a new saying:


          or how about this

          Last edited by jaudette3; 10-30-2022, 12:17 AM.
          John Audette


          • #51
            there is no doubt we are being played. in so many ways
            you should ask yourselves "how is it we have become so militaristic" militaristic themes in music and advertising.
            so many levels.
            When you open your browser, if its powered by yahoo for example you are feed news pieces that are partially presented leaving you feel like you were tricked into clicking on the story...... WHY ..... well , they want us to be very dissatisfied with the status quo.
            How many times have you seen a "story" that if you bought a certain thing from a company, you will be harmed by it. But they don't tell you what it is unless you click on the associated link. and then you are led down a rabbit hole.
            I mean there are real subtle things they do. Like they will say you have to see this new beautiful sports car and then you want to see it and there is one isometric view that reveals nearly nothing...........
            this is not by accident or incompetence.........


            • Silverc4s
              Silverc4s commented
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              I very much agree with your points here, Bob. What changed this so much? It seems that polarization and anger are great drivers, pushing us all into our particular ad stream to drive us the desired direction.
              I remember hen after every election, it was primary to the success of the new or continuing candidates future efforts that all got behind him/her and they embraced all sides as important to the future of us all. This never happens now, sadly, on either side.

            • bob joyce
              bob joyce commented
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              sadly, one major driver of this is the fact that all the elected officials have to raise unbelievable amounts of cash to win their election. They have found that the darker they go and the more provocative statements they make .... huge amounts of money come in.... take for example Margery Green.
              To the greatest degree this can be blamed on the Supreme Court decision to allow unlimited amounts of campaign money from entities.

          • #52
            The first step in recovery is admitting that you’re allowing yourself to be led astray. Hopefully we’re all intellectual, rational beings who make choices based on our convictions. Personally my choices in a political candidate have to be centered around whether I believe they will promote directly or indirectly, biblical principles. That choice is not for sale and I will go to my grave fighting for them. I am “militant” in my defense of that freedom and seek to love my enemy as I carry out that task.

            It is pure evil for citizens to desire to destroy those whom they disagree with.
            Old, white cisgender male oppressor.
            Influencer/Life Coach.



            • bob joyce
              bob joyce commented
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              Frank. that is a very noble stance. the problem is that in your attempt to implement the desire. you will/may except fakers/liars whose real desire is not as noble as yours, infact ultimately opposite. And the collateral damage wider and deeper that your desired gains

            • bob joyce
              bob joyce commented
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              you have to understand that there are people that want something from you money/political support and they will do something for you, let's say end roe. They know and do not care that the resulting cultural backlash of doing this is going to kill your cause. Just understand these people don't even know how to hold a bible let alone sympathies with your cause.

            • Frank Beck
              Frank Beck
              Frank Beck commented
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              Bob, when choosing a candidate, a voter is responsible to exercise responsibility and due diligence. We can only do so much and no matter how shrewd or discerning we are, sometimes a stinker slips by. The beautiful thing is that BOTH major parties have this to contend with so at least it's a level playing field.

          • #53
            Originally posted by Frank Beck View Post
            The first step in recovery is admitting that you’re allowing yourself to be led astray. Hopefully we’re all intellectual, rational beings who make choices based on our convictions. Personally my choices in a political candidate have to be centered around whether I believe they will promote directly or indirectly, biblical principles. That choice is not for sale and I will go to my grave fighting for them. I am “militant” in my defense of that freedom and seek to love my enemy as I carry out that task.

            It is pure evil for citizens to desire to destroy those whom they disagree with.
            Couldn't agree more. It all starts with "loving thy neighbor as thyself." We can all disagree and debate but it's important to maintain civility when arguing/defending what we believe in. Some of my best friends have completely different viewpoints, and that's ok. We just don't talk politics around each other


            • bob joyce
              bob joyce commented
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              yes, 100 percent agree
              that's why the senators after the attack and they reconvened on January 6 continued to vote to decertify what was a normal procedure was such an immoral assault on our society..

            • sebaroher
              sebaroher commented
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              Come on Bobby, we aren't still on that nonsense again are we?

          • #54
            It's looked for a while now like the financial markets have discounted a Republican sweep. Probably good for those of us still working and running businesses. Socially, who knows? Our poor species is always going to find some way to exercise our innumerable frailties.
            John Audette

