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Midterm elections 2022

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  • #31
    Really not true.. The progressive agenda is funding through different programs a large portion of citizens that are currently not required to pay income tax! Biden removed the requirement to work, or look for work to receive the additional emergency funds by extending the Covid Emergency Program!


    • #32
      Good candidate


      • sebaroher
        sebaroher commented
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        Couldn't agree more Frank. I'll add to that.... These sickos that pray on children should be hung on the courthouse steps once all their appeals are exhausted.

      • jaudette3
        jaudette3 commented
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        Actually prison is perfect for them.

      • sebaroher
        sebaroher commented
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        Prison is fine, so long as we alert all the other prisoners of their crimes first.

    • #33
      Sad human!


      • #34
        So it's been a few days and nothing....
        Only "more spending" aka money laundering ("Infrastructure" for Dems = giving taxpayer money/debt to Dem supporters & unions, who in turn donate part of those taxpayer funds to the DNC).
        Remember when Barry Sotero joked about his infrastructure program, saying that we "weren't as shovel ready as we thought", while his minions laughed ?

        Anyway, I'll try again: Name something Biden has done to improve America
        -Economy ? Stock market, 401k, savings status
        -Inflation? Price of gas, groceries etc.
        -Crime ? How is the no bail no jail working ?
        -Security ? Good thing Biden has China, Russia, NK even the Saudi's under control
        -Energy? Cutting off our independence while begging Middle East and Venezuela for oil


        • jaudette3
          jaudette3 commented
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          Chip Act. Very significant.

        • Silverc4s
          Silverc4s commented
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          Alzheimers Awareness

        • Frank Beck
          Frank Beck
          Frank Beck commented
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          Great questions wsh but I suspect you won't get much of a response. Dems are a one trick pony; Trump/Jan 6 is all they've got.
          One has to wonder what drama they'll make up after DeSantis gets the nomination and Trump fades away.

      • #35
        Chips Act..A gift, better called a 'bribe' to incentivize already profitable manufacturers to build in the States... not blaming the dems on this one, McConnell signed off on the bill...then was blindsided with Manchin's , selling out!


        • #36
          The Chips Act is far from a bribe and is one of the very few bi-partisan acts passed - and its a good thing, albeit a bit late. We need to have the full chip manufacturing cycle based in the US. Up to now certain steps - packaging for example - have been cheaper overseas. We must not rely on China - and its state funded businesses - any longer. Of course it would also be help if Australia stops exporting all its raw materials to help China continue its dominant march across Asia and the Pacific.


          • #37
            $55 billion of corporate welfare.. nothing more!


            • #38
              If you read the Chip Bill, you will notice that the President has control over placement of subsidies facilities construction, must be prevailing wage , both provisions rule out 'right to work states' not only corporate welfare, but blue state union welfare...If we are truly worried about China, invest in our Navy and Air Force... provide Taiwan with latest stage missiles defense and reverse our position on providing aircraft and missiles defense to Ukraine. Stopping Putin and supporting Ukraine will send a strong message to China, we will defend democracy !


            • #39
              the middle class. That was a world wonder only existed because of unionism.
              it was attacked by that stooge Ronald Regan.
              along with its destruction all things we took for granted decayed.
              it is a shame that people just can't use their common sense and observation to see what is so obvious.
              the head wind is from those that spew frightening reterick to fool the masses.
              it is baffling because i really can't see what they gain as they and their loved ones have to live in the environment that they foster


              • #40
                34 years since the Regan Presidency, a very weak statement, had unionism had voters support they would have rebounded in 30 plus years, the opposite occurred, the UAW has been trying to make inroads into the automotive sector in the South, they have given up. Workers see that the UAW management is in business to line their pockets!


                • #41
                  that's my point
                  our current culture would look remarkably different if this assault on unionism hadn't been so successful.
                  i think people don't understand when i say that "there is no such thing as a liberal media"
                  if you watched how all of the networks covered strikes and picket lines you would see how they were crafted to make the union worker look like the bad guy.
                  I had friends that dropped out of the union because they were offered more money upfront.
                  they thought it was great and that the union was milking them for dues.
                  well....(In my Ronald Regan drool) these poor guys found out over time that they screwed up
                  they no longer had weekends off and healthcare let alone a pension and may be even the IRS knocking on their door.
                  If by now you do not believe the media can make the public believe what is right is wrong.... then i offer up the percent of the public that believe the election was rigged/stolen/won by Trump.


                  • #42
                    The media thing is a hoax within a hoax. Mainstream media is owned by what, 15 billionaires and 6 companies? Those folks and companies, with a few exceptions, are not ordinarily known for their liberal beliefs. On one level they pander to the masses to generate advertising revenues. And, on another deeper and subtle level, they pursue a conservative agenda. Read and watch closely and see how it works over time. You can't become a billionaire without being inordinately clever. I marvel at their manipulation, starting most of all by convincing many that they are liberal. It frequently occurs to me that I'm usually playing checkers and they're playing Go.
                    John Audette


                    • #43
                      It’s quite obvious that neither you or Bob will ever view the country through a neutral lens… please explain how Starbucks, lead by an avoid liberal is wrong to fight unionization, simply because they feel that their culture will be harmed by having unions.. Regan’s legally firing the Flight Controllers for striking has nothing to do with todays labor actions . Try and argue current issues using current counter arguments, not ancient history!


                    • #44
                      little weed hopper..... you were once sperm and egg that became you.
                      Is that of no consequences.


                      • #45
                        as to Starbucks CEO and unions
                        he has a fiduciary responsibility to his shareholders
                        if he said he was thinking about it his stock would tank and he could face law suits

